Natalia Kills - Zombie
New artist Natalia Kills is getting ready to release her debut album self title "Natalia Kills" in 2010, here we have the promo single "Zombie" from her upcoming album, I must say I really like this song, It kinda gives me a chill in a good way I like the whole dark emo lyrics and the whole dark vibe I love it some has made a comment on YouTube saying that she's like Kanye West mixed with Rihanna and I have too agree, her song sounds like something Kanye would have put on his last album and the chorus sounds like it could have had Kanye singing to it also the comparison to Rihanna I think this beat reminds me of "Wait Your Turn" and "Mad House" it's very similar with the synths and all, anyway's look out for future artist of 2010 I'll be posting a new artist side banner thingy with new artist on it stay tune. :-P
DL: Zombie
DL: Link 2
DL: Link 3
Zombie (Official Music Video)
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