Adam Lambert - For Your Entertainment [CDQ] + Album Cover
Well pretty soon Adam Lambert last seasons American Idol runner up i think? Didn't he loose? (Well you know if you make it in the finial three your gonna get a record deal anyways right? happens every season.) Anyways Adam Lambert will be releasing his first debut album in November entitled "For Your Entertainment", His new single of the same name will be released soon. I think the single is okay nothing big, It's just okay, By the way does anybody else thinks he's talking about sex? here's a section I found kinda sexual "Give it to you tell your screaming my name." I think that's kinda sexual. Oh and don't get me started on the album cover, I know that he's gay but seriously? Come on! no one in their right mind would be caught dead buying that album with that cover on it! It's giving me a mixture of Rihanna, The 80's, And horrible eyeliner! Anyways download the song and leave a comment telling me what you think about it & the album that i'll post below!
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Adam Lambert - For Your Entertainment (Official Album Cover)

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